Antonio Mercero - Virtual museum

Antonio Mercero - Virtual museum

La próxima estación 1982

The central topic of this film is the generation clash: it looks at the way young people live their sexuality and the stance taken by their parents towards the situation; at the limits imposed by Christian morality; at the normalised use of cannabis... It left all of the social sectors disgruntled: while for the conservatives it was “too liberal”, the left defined it as being “half-baked”, too weak in regard to discourse and overly flexible in the way it dealt with the matter.

La próxima estación has a plot which seems simple at first glance. A couple (Alberto Delgado and Cristina Marcos) go to the boyfriend’s house to spend the night when the young girl doesn’t want to go home after a huge fight with her separated mother. While the father, José Luis (Alfredo Landa), will try to understand his son’s problem, the mother flatly refuses to allow the couple to spend the night together.

Actors: Agustín González Martínez, Alberto Delgado, Alejandro de Enciso, Alfredo Landa, Carmen de la Maza, Carmen Gran, Cristina Marcos, Lola Herrera, Lolita Garrido, Luisa Rodrigo, Mauricio Gaitán

Length: 95 minutes



1982-01-06 - "Spanish films of '82"


1982-04-25 - Antonio Mercero: "Parents and children are diametrically opposed"

Información de Alicante

1982-05-09 - Antonio Mercero: "Parents and children are diametrically opposed"

Diario Vasco